Rincón at sunset

Today we went with some friends to Rincón, a small town some km north of Tetuán, on the road to Ceuta. Rincón, M'diq in Arabic, is a nice little fishing town. It's famous for its' sardines and people go there to have grilled sardines on the beach. Really, really fresh sardines, with a lille salt and lemon. Mmmmmm.... It's soooo good!
During summer, the beaches near Rincón are quite nice, since they are not as crowded as those of Martil and Cabo Negro. At least if you don't mind a beach of small pebbles instead of white sand. *lol*

Except for the sardines I haven't yet found something special about Rincón. But that's probably because I usually only pass by on my way to and from Ceuta. But this summer I'll dedicate some days to Rincón, to get to know the town and what to do while you're there.
By the way, Rincón is Spanish and means "corner". This part of Morocco used to be a part of Spain (Tetuán was the capital of Spanish Morocco), so lots of places have Spanish names and people still speak Spanish. And there are many things that are more or less the same on both sides of the border, like food, sence of humor, a common history...